Vice-Rector on scientific and pedagogical work, Doctor of Economics
Manzhura Oleksandr Vasylyovych
Office: Office 438
Vice-rector’s functions on scientific and pedagogical work are:
- Chairman of the Committee of Administration on Labor Disputes
- Member of the Academic Council of the University
- Member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University
- Member of the Commission on the Graduates Placement
- Member of the Administration
As a part of her responsibilities, she organizes , coordinates and supervises the activities of:
- Vocational work at the university
- Liaison Center with Production
- Council of the University Student Self-Government
- Center for the Arts and Leisure
- Sports Complex
- Medical and health area
- Dormitories Council
- Board of Curators
- Museum of the University
- Alumni Association of the University
- Newspaper’ College Journal