Congratulations State Prize of Ukraine!
The team of Poltava University of Economics and Trade added another winner of the State Prize of Ukraine. He became Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector, Professor of the Department of Documentation and information activities in the economic systems Sergey Garkusha, who was awarded the President of Ukraine Prize for young scientists in 2016.
November 17 President of Ukraine Decree № 509/2016 «On awarding the President of Ukraine Prizes for young scientists in 2016″ and on the basis of the submission of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology Sergey Garkusha was decided to award the prize for his work “Models and methods of optimal allocation . network resources wireless telecommunication systems “More details, visit the website:
The award – a weighty contrast to the high achievements of the scientists of our university.
We are sincerely proud of them! We wish you a successful implementation of all the discoveries and further creative and professional success!