For the first time in the region there was the EU Career Day in PUET

On April 10, the “Poltava University of Economics and Trade” hosted the EU Career Day for the first time in the region. The event was held with the support of the Delegation of the European Union in Ukraine within the framework of the project “Information Support of Youth Networks of the EU in Ukraine”.
This is a one-day event organized for familiarize students with world and European trends in professional competences and provides communication with potential employers.
The greetings to the guests and participants were addressed by the Rector of PUET Nestula O.O. He emphasized the importance of developing the students’ professional skills and the opportunities offered by the university abroad. Director of the Poltava’s Regional Employment Center Kateryna Claudiava said: “It is a happiness to live and work in the Poltava region. This is an area of economic happiness! Only last year the number of vacancies from employers has increased to 8,000 working places, which are ready to provide high-quality working conditions and corresponding wages “.
And Inna Ischenko, Director of the Department of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Promotion of Poltava Regional State Administration, noted: “One of the main strategies for the development of the Poltava region is the development of human potential that can be ensured, first of all, by the interaction of science, business and government. Teaching active young people should take place in high-quality universities that provide international knowledge at the highest level in order to stay in the region after work, develop the economy, create new jobs and develop its infrastructure. “

About 30 enterprises and organizations of Poltava and region took part in the EU Career Day, which testifies to the interest in the staffing potential of the students. Throughout the day, participants tested their level of knowledge about the EU by taking part in the quiz. Students talked to potential employers and representatives of leading regional organizations at the Job Fair. The multiplicity and richness of the events allowed attracting more than 600 participants.

During the panel discussion “The best professions of the future: why invest now?” Speakers, labor market development experts shared their experience, introduced the requirements of employers to professional and soft skills of employees, informed about the situation on the labor market of Poltava region: possible vacancies and job offers, told how to be competitive after 20 years and revealed the secrets of a successful search for your dream job.

Trainings were organized for all those who wanted to improve their knowledge and skills. Employment specialist Anna Piven has provided a number of recommendations for successful interviewing and summarizing during the first training session ” Interviewing on Your Dream Job: DO’S & DON’TS “.

Business coach, developer of a number of authored business games, Ph.D., associate professor of business Ihor Yurko shared the secrets of creating his own business at the second training “StartUp: from idea to own business. The main questions of the starters of the region “.

During the third training, guests received valuable advice on how to apply for Erasmus + program scholarships.

The EU Career Day has attracted a great deal of interest among young people in Poltava, contributed to the formation of an active public attitude and career development skills.

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