In PUET, traditional meetings of students with the rector of the university continue
It is a busy week, and the priority for each of university community is meeting and communicating with students, because there’s a creative and friendly team of teachers and staff work with them.
One of the most effective mechanisms for cooperation in the development of the university’s activities in the field of education is the open dialogue of the rector with the students. During the meetings, students have the opportunity to discuss any topic that concerns them, because meetings are held in a democratic atmosphere of understanding, mutual respect and constructivism.
Recall that such meetings are already a good tradition for us. According to the rector himself, Oleksiy Nestulya, they are often not only a source of unique information, an indicator of confidence, where one can find directions for solving many problems or misunderstandings of students at the university. Thanks to such warm communication, further steps are being taken to improve the conditions of education, cultural leisure and life of university students.
So the meetings continue. Keep an eye on the news.