On March 15, 2018, a Round Table World Consumer Rights Protection #BetterDigitalWorld was held.

On the World Consumer Rights Day the administration, students, lecturers at Poltava University of Economics and Trade (PUET) and the Round Table participants joined the #BetterDigitalWorld promotion.

The congratulatory speech on the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day was made by:

O.Nestulia, doctor of history, professor, rector of PUET, Honored Worker of Education in Ukraine, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of History Sciences.

S.Garkusha, doctor of economic sciences, professor vice-rector for scientific work in PUET.

N.Tiagunova, Ph. D., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Commodity Studies,Trade and Marketing in PUET.

O. Ryznichenko, Head of the Consumer Protection Department of the Main Department of the State Consumer Protection Service in Poltava region

L. Serdiuk, Chairman of the Board of Poltava Regional Public Organization “Poltava Regional Center for Consumer Rights Protection”

The words by:

N.Smirnova – Head of the Center for the assessment of the conformity of lighting and electrical household products of the State Enterprise Poltavastandartmetrologiya.

“Transition to energy efficient lighting and product conformity”

S. Shpak – Head of Research Center for Testing of Electric Lamps and Technological Equipment of SE “Poltavastandartmetrologiya”.

“New Standards for Lighting Product”

A. Cherkashin – Head of the Certification and Metrological Certification Department of “Poltavastandartmetrologiya”.

“Changes in the legislation of Ukraine on providing housing and communal services”

Olga M. Demchenko – Leading engineer for standardization of the standardization department and scientific information of the State Enterprise “Poltavastandartmetrologiya”.

“Basic legal principles of organic production in Ukraine and world experience”

For the purpose of digital consumer awareness, protection from unprotected market participants, obtaining practical skills for the conscious choice of goods (works, services), correct evaluation of them at the time of ordering in online stores, and knowledge of protection against virtual threats, a contest “Be vigilant consumer! “under the motto of” Making digital marketplaces fairer “#BetterDigitalWorld by the International Federation of Consumer Organizations” Make the digital markets fair and fair “.

“Be a watchful consumer!” #BetterDigitalWorld


E. Motuz – student gr. CRC-31 PUET


A.Popova – student gr. CRC-31 PUET


T. Panayotova – student gr. CRC-31 PUET

Presentation of the competition for the best promotion of the educational program “Examination and Customs”


V. Bugaychuk – student gr. CRC-31 PUET

“Independent expert examination” on protection of consumer rights in Ukraine. Annual work results »

N. Omelchenko – candidate of technical sciences, professor, head of the research center “Independent expertise”

The winners of professional competitions were awarded with diplomas and certificates.