Participation in the webinar of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and the international company Plagiat.pl. (Poland)

October 8, 2020 AD Pedchenko, Ph.D. Manchuria, Vergal, Candidate of Philology. N. Sarapin, Ph.D. Gasius took part in a webinar between the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and the international company Plagiat.pl. (Poland), dedicated to the development of academic integrity at the university.

Ali Tahmazov, Executive Director of StrikePlagiarism.com International in Ukraine, and Plagiat.pl, Business Development Director, spoke about the effectiveness of the plagiarism check procedure, the search for plagiarism on the effectiveness report, the risks of using free anti-plagiarism online services, etc. Maxim Mayevsky.

After the webinar, all participants passed a control rapid test, the results of which were issued certificates.