Project “We understand EU-Ukraine, Moldova-Georgia Association Agreements” announces competition

Project “We understand EU-Ukraine, Moldova-Georgia Association Agreements” announces the fourth round of an essay contest (up to 3,000 words) for young people (up to 30 years old) from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine on any topic related to Association Agreement with their EU countries.

Essays should be written in English, of good analytical and linguistic quality, and dedicated to a topic within which the author can demonstrate the depth of his or her knowledge, research or professional experience. Essays should have interesting arguments or suggestions. The winning essays will be published on www.3dcftas.eu.

In addition, the authors of the best essays will receive a cash prize of 500 euros.

Send your essays anytime by September 30, 2019 to remizov@ier.kyiv.ua

Authors must also indicate their country / city of residence and age.

For more information, check out the results of the previous round and check out our list of key publications below.