PUET announces a call for videos about student internships abroad «STEP TOWARDS A DREAM»!


Each student has its professional dream, but often lack of experience and practical skills are the major obstacle to make it come true. The most ambitious and motivated PUET students decisively overcome this obstacle: they study foreign languages, take their University friends and apply for internship abroad – to the leading establishments of tourism, hotel and catering, industrial and commercial enterprises, other interesting places.

Success stories of our students are incredible! They amaze and inspire! They help to believe in yourself and move forward!

Create a short video about internship abroad and tell everyone about your successes. Share your invaluable experience and important plans for the future after an internship abroad. We will show videos of winners at The Ceremony of initiation in PUET students and your life and professional story can become an example to follow!

Contest conditions:

1.Create the video (up to 3 minutes) telling about:

  • you (surname, name, title of the university, Year of Study and Major)
  • country, city and place of internship, your position
  • your professional dream
  • new qualities and talents, you discovered in yourself during the internship
  • the most interesting event/case during the internship (maybe this is your turning point in life)
  • how the internship influenced the realization of your professional dreams

At the end of the video pronounce the phrase «Thank you PUET for a step towards a dream! »

2. Send your video till the 15th of August 2016 to our e-mail: internship.puet@gmail.com

The received videos will be posted on our pages in social networks Facebook and Вконтакте, as well as at PUET’s web-site. Join to our pages and follow the contest course.

Results of the contest:

The video receiving the biggest number of likes and shares at social networks will win. His name will be announced at the The Ceremony of Initiation to PUET (date and time which will be announced in advance).


Every participant will be awarded!

* Participants, who have followed all the requirements to the video,  will get up to 20 extra points when defending internship report..

* The author of the video, who will take the 2-nd place will get the ANNUAL TICKET to the gym at SC «Olimp».

* THE WINNER will get the the reward in the amount of UAH 2000.

For questions and suggestions please e-mail the organizing committee:

Anna Bychkova internship.puet@gmail.com

Dreams come true – tell us your story!

PUET opens up incredible opportunities!

Sign in, participate and win!