PUET joined the VI National Forum “Business and Universities”

On November 23 – 24, 2018, VI National Forum “Business and Universities: Developing the Entrepreneurship of the Future” was held in Kyiv.

Top managers of international companies, Ukrainian entrepreneurs, university staff, business incubator managers, representatives of state structures and public organizations have been able to discuss key business development issues in Ukraine in the context of education, financial literacy and entrepreneurship education.

Poltava University was presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Commodity, Trade and Marketing –  Alina Tkachenko and Director of the Project Office –  Inna Pakhomova.

The following sessions:

  • Are Ukrainian entrepreneurs developing with the help of universities?
  • Global Market: Are Ukrainian Startups competitive?
  • Women’s entrepreneurship: how to develop?
  • Social entrepreneurship. 

Also were held such presentations:   presentation of the results of a national business survey conducted among students, teachers and entrepreneurs. And the presentation of the “Entrepreneurial Cluster” project, which could be attended by universities from all over Ukraine.

During the second day there were master classes for teachers and university staff on topics: “Financial technologies and entrepreneurship of the future”, “Community management”, “SCRUM-technology for business and education”, “Implementation of real cases from business in educational programs of institutions”, as well as networking of participants.