PUET members are among the first participants in student academic mobility in Ukraine

2020-2021 was marked for Poltava University of Economics and Trade by the implementation of a new project – All-Ukrainian academic mobility “SAM Ukraine”(student academic mobility), which is implemented by the British Council together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This program is one of the components of the European Union’s House of Europe program.
Within the framework of this project, mobility of 12 PUET students to the partner university – Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman (KNEU). SAM Ukraine is designed to promote interregional academic cooperation between higher education institutions and cultural dialogue between young people within Ukraine. The program also provides funding for transportation, resettlement and food costs. The student mobility period will be officially recognized as part of the curriculum.

On October 11, 2020, the first five students majoring in Management, who will spend the next two months in the capital, will be able to join the educational process of the host institution of higher education, make new friends and get a lot of positive emotions. Their return is scheduled for December 2020. We wish them creative ideas and inspiration in their daily work!