PUET participated in the International Week of the European Union Program Erasmus + in Ukraine

International Week of the European Union Program Erasmus + took place from November 5 to 9, 2018 in Kyiv.

Each day of the event was devoted to separate areas of the Erasmus + program in higher education:

First day – “Grants for projects of international cooperation: contests and recommendations for success”

There was a discussion of announced competitions in 2019 in the following areas: development of higher education potential, strategic partnerships, knowledge alliances, capacity development in youth and national priorities in higher education.

Day 2 – “Seminar for winners of the 2018 Project Contest: Development of the potential of higher education on the peculiarities of implementation and management of the grant funds»

They discussed the issue  of cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the framework of implementation of projects, national legislation on the quality assurance of higher education, dissemination, use of project results and their impact.

Day 3 –  Seminar “Ensuring the quality of educational programs according to the Bologna Process”

There was provided  recommendations on the modernization of Erasmus + educational programs and curricula  and national legislation on the quality assurance of higher education.

As part of the 4th day, “Jean Monnet Day”, two seminars were held: “How to apply for the Jean Monnet competition in 2019”, “How to successfully implement Jean Monnet project”.

Day 5 – “International Mobility Day for Organizations: Preparation and Implementation”

The day was devoted to the possibilities of cooperation between Ukrainian universities and universities of the program’s member countries.

Information on the key areas of the Erasmus + program: http://erasmusplus.org.ua/

Announced  Erasmus+ Competitions: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.C_.2018.384.01.0004.01.ENG