PUET team successfully participated in the second cycle of the Leadership Development Program of Ukrainian Universities

On February 7, 2018, the final event of the second cycle of the “Program for the Development of Leadership Potential of Ukrainian Universities” took place in Kyiv. The PUET team participated in the event. The program was implemented through the partnership between the Institute of Higher Education in Ukraine and British Council in Ukraine.
During the Convocation, the PUET team under the direction of Rector of the University Professor Nestula O.O. and head for the Department of Management Professor L.M. Shimanovska-Dianich, associate professor of the Department of International Economics A.V. Artemenko and T.O. Belobrova, student of Management of Organizations specialty, A. Sokolova presented the results of the work on the project “Preparation of Sandwich-courses” as an instrument for developing the University’s Leadership Capacity. “
The project was aimed at improving the quality of the practical training of students in accordance with the real needs of the business, as well as for the qualitative restructuring of the whole learning process in the Sandwich course.
In January 2018, within the framework of the project, a working visit of the PUET team to University of Portsmouth and University of Southampton (England) took place, during which a study of the process of practical training of British students was studied in detail. Team members attended the Innovation Hub in University of Portsmouth, Employment Center and Library. Meetings were also held with teachers and students from the Portsmouth Business School and the Center for Distance and Postgraduate Education. During a visit to Southampton University, the PUET team was able to familiarize students with the practical training of students from various faculties in numerous experimental and teaching laboratories, as well as learn about the development of relationships with manufacturing enterprises. A visit to British universities has become very important for the further introduction of the leadership paradigm at the university, as well as the introduction of the Sandwich course.
According to the results of the second cycle of the “Leadership Development Program of Universities in Ukraine”, the University and each member of the team were awarded with the Certificates of British Council.
Cooperation with British Council in Ukraine continues and we are looking forward to new opportunities and victories!