PUET’s team continues to develop the personal and professional qualities of youth at the school of leadership

The development of leadership and its skills of student youth is an important condition for the establishment and approval of fundamentally new specialists in all spheres of Ukrainian society. This is a powerful contribution to the future of our country.
The PUET’s team is aware of the importance of developing leadership in the youth of our region. This idea was supported by professional teachers from the Poltava Regional Institute named after Ostrogradsky. The School of Leadership of Student Self-Government was organized jointly with the support of the Department of Education and Science and the Poltava Regional Council.
The Poltava Regional School of Student Self-Government Leadership is a unique educational project for the students of our region, which began in June 2018. He allows you to learn the author’s methods of developing leadership qualities, take part in training sessions, and carry out joint projects. The leaders of the school self-government of the Poltava region joined the project. Students of school work with the distance course “Principles of Leadership”, and they take part in trainings on forming skills of leadership behavior.
Today, the School of Leadership in Student Self-Government is working full-time and gaining momentum in our region. So, the professional trainers – Nestula (Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Leadership), Rudich (associate professor of the Department of Personnel Management, Labor Economics and Economic Theory), together with the volunteer students Galichenko Anastasia and Zayets Yaroslav, conducted training sessions “Leader and Team: The Basics of Teamwork” .
10.16.2018 on the basis of PUET the training was conducted for the students of Poltava and Reshetylivsky districts (coach Nestula).
10-17.2018 at the school № 11 of Kremenchug for students of Kremenchuk, Gorishni Plavni (coach Rudich)
18.10. 2018, on the basis of the secondary school № 4 in Lubny, (coach Rudich).
Professional trainers-moderators provide a comprehensive pedagogical approach to the identification, formation and further development of leadership qualities of student youth, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of young people.
We sincerely thank the participants and invite to further cooperation.