The work of the University of the Third Age goes on at PUET

Today the whole country has become a huge volunteer community. We are all set on the victory of Ukraine in that war and on defending our God-given land, daily work, the future of our children and the right to live.

Besides the duty to help the militaries, territorial defense forces, and refugees during the difficult times for the country caused by the Russian aggressor, we continue our fighting on the educational and social front. We have not stopped supporting aged people since the beginning of hostilities. Today we continue to volunteer at the University of the Third Age.

We keep conducting lectures for our esteemed students, who have become an integral part of the PUET family, and informing them about current topics.

On March 26, the rector of our university, Oleksii Oleksiyovych Nestulya addressed to the students with the words of support and gratitude for the invincible spirit that unites us. He informed them about the work with refugees and thanked all the curators, teachers and students, all those people, who involved in volunteering- starting from weaving camouflage nets to knitting socks, baking cakes, cooking or just giving the moral support.

Viktoria Ivanivna Terekhovska’s lecture on the emotional witness effect aroused interest in students, as she concluded that the person should not remain indifferent when violence is committed against anyone. In the creative laboratory, named “Creative Lady”, Svitlana Oleksiivna Shara offered an interesting information about Taras Shevchenko, the titan of the greatness of our Ukrainian spirit. It is impossible to defeat the people who have absorbed this spirit with their mother’s milk.

We are approaching the victory together! Everything will be Ukraine!