
Dear partners and colleagues!

More and more countries are resolutely declaring support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty amid the escalation of the situation on the part of the Russian Federation. It is a pleasure for the staff of Poltava University of Economics and Trade to realize that there are people who are selflessly doing good in this difficult moment. Our University receives a large number of letters of support and offers of specific assistance from foreign partners. We would like to note that your help, which you provided in a timely manner and from the bottom of your heart to Ukrainians, is currently extremely necessary and useful. Many of the Internally Displaced Persons have been under the care of the PUET community for a long time. Together with you, we provide internally displaced persons with everything they need. On behalf of the staff of the University, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who did not stay away during the difficult times for our country. Thank you for your support and solidarity, we feel your strong shoulders near!


Oleksiy Nestulya

Rector of Poltava University of Economics and Trade

Fellowship Programme for Postdoctoral Researchers in University of Cyprus

EURO COOP: Declaration for Peace

Solidarity from the partners – College of Public and Individual Security “Apeiron”, Poland

Solidarity from the #ScienceForUkraine

Speech by the Chairman of Coop Ukraine at the EURO COOP Board meeting

Solidarity from the partners – Vilnius University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania (Call for proposals for short-term studies in Lithuania)

Solidarity from the partners – Holyoke Community College, USA

University of Cyprus: 10 Scholarships for Ukrainian Refugee Students

Solidarity from the partners – Cormack  Consultancy Group, UK

Solidarity from the partners – Internobmen, Ltd, Bulgaria

Solidarity from the partners – CICOPA-CECOP

Solidarity from the partners – University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA

Solidarity from the partners – KU Leuven, Belgium

Solidarity from the partners – American Councils

Solidarity from the partners – University of Economics in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Solidarity from the partners – Association UCM-Italy

Solidarity from the partners – Association UCM-Italy

Solidarity from the partners – Association UCM-Italy

Solidarity from the partners – Academy of Hotel Management and Catering Industry in Poznan, Poland

Solidarity from the partners  – State University of Applied Sciences in Konin, Poland

“Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” supports Ukrainians abroad

Support from the Partner Company for organizing international professional internships for students in Turkey

Solidarity from the partners  – Statement by Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions on the military actions of the Russian Federation against the Independent State of Ukraine

Solidarity from the partners  – University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken, Germany 

Solidarity from the partners  – The Grassroots Institute, Canada

Solidarity from the partners  –  Powislanski University, Poland

Polish Young Academy Supports Scientists from Ukraine

Solidarity from the partners  –  Humboldt International University, USA

Solidarity from the partners  –  Genista Research Foundation, Malta

Solidarity from the partners  – Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia

Solidarity from the partners  – University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria

Support from the Partner Company for organizing international professional internships for students in Germany

Solidarity from the partners  – Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia

Solidarity from the partners  – Silesian University oF Technology, Poland

Solidarity from the partners  – European Business School, Spain

Solidarity from the partners  – European University Alliance E³UDRES²

Solidarity from the partners  – Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Poland and University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Solidarity from the partners  – Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Solidarity from the partners  – Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia

International Support for Ukrainian Cooperators

Solidarity from the partners  – Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia

Solidarity from the partners  – Lithuanian Maritime Academy, Lithuania

Solidarity from the partners  – Vistula University, Poland

Solidarity from the partners  – Ukrainian Congress of Azerbaijan

Solidarity from the partners  – Advenio eAcademy, Malta

Solidarity from the partners  – Vilnius University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania

Solidarity from the partners  – University of Foggia, Italy